The Euroversity Association

The Euroversity Network is in its final stages. Considering its success and the positive answer to its activities in all the involved countries, the consortium decided to carry on with its activities under the umbrella of the EUROVERSITY Association.

The main objective of the Association is to formally bring together professionals from various disciplines related to the fields of education, specifically education provided through virtual worlds, in order that they may explore ideas and pool resources, experience and energies for the future of education.

The Euroversity Association will implement the following activities:

  • offer courses in virtual spaces;
  • develop and submit new project proposals financed by the European Commission;
  • carry out negotiations and summons activities in the process of the formation of consortia of organizations that participate in proposals for multi partner and / or cross border cooperation activities;
  • enhance the participation to existing networks and the foundation of new ones in the field of virtual world education;
  • offer project management, research, publishing and design work to organizations that are involved virtual worlds education;

The association is open to whoever might be interested in its activities by registering online. The first year of membership is free with no obligation to continue beyond the first year.

Registration as a member of the Association can be made via the button below and the accession of a new member to the Association is made public with the other members of the Association.


All requests to join the Association require the submission of a full profile of the prospective member and each membership will be approved by the majority of the Board of Administration of the Association.


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