The challenges of merging the real and the virtual: complications and considerations
WEBINAR 28 May 2014
Title: "The challenges of merging the real and the virtual: complications and considerations"
By Claire Ingram, Stockholm School of Economics and Rachel Dixon, Financial Times
As part of the Creating Shared Value course Stockholm School of Economics' Executive MBA programme, it was decided to try craft a course that bridged the real and virtual worlds in two ways; first by using Second Life in a real classroom, with partners at other universities doing the same thing, and second by including Financial Times reading material not just as prescribed reading, but by obliging students to annotate on assigned articles. These annotations then formed the foundation for presentations by schools in Sweden, Germany and Vietnam, with an emphasis on cross-cultural communication in Corporate Social Responsibility. This presentation will discuss this course, the successes, failures and roadblocks experienced.
Recording of the session is found at:
Link to the article mentioned in the presentation: